I didn’t discover L.M. Montgomery’s works until the 1985 miniseries by Kevin Sullivan came out, my response being: How could I have spent my whole childhood without her books?! I promptly got her books and devoured them. I also read her diaries. What a luminous, sensitive soul she was! You can see it in her expression. Her prose breathes with her love of life. She saw beyond what most people see. What a vivid imagination!

From Anne of Avonlea:
“I wonder what a soul…a person’s soul…would look like,’ said Priscilla dreamily.
‘Like that, I should think,’ answered Anne, pointing to a radiance of sifted sunlight streaming through a birch tree. ‘Only with shape and features of course. I like to fancy souls as being made of light. And some are all shot through with rosy stains and quivers…and some have a soft glitter like moonlight on the sea…and some are pale and transparent like mist at dawn.”